Friday, May 17, 2024


 As you read each word and begin to relax, take a few deep

breaths and feel the tension beginning to melt from your body.

Fill your lungs completely with pure, clear air with each inhale.

Allow the tension to continue to release with each exhale, so that

with each breath, you feel more and more relaxed, and your body

becomes lighter, allowing the tension to drift down through your

arms, legs, and feet, into the earth.

Bring clear energy into your mind with each inhale, so that

all of the cells of your brain can relax, and your mind becomes

more and more clear with each breath. And allow the clear energy

to move down, so that your entire head is relaxed. Feel the

energy travelling down past your neck and shoulders now, allowing

all of the organs in your body to relax. Now allow a wave of

clear energy and relaxation to move gently down your arms, all

the way down to the tips of your fingers. And feel another wave

of relaxation moving down your body to your legs and feet,

reaching all the way to the tips of your toes, so your entire body is

relaxed and filled with clear, pure energy.

Notice how relaxed you feel now. From this peaceful place,

begin to connect with a part of yourself who has a problem you

want to address. It may be the part of you who is stressed, overweight,

unhealthy, physically inactive, or who smokes cigarettes.

Before going further, remember that you are in complete control.

If what you experience is painful in any way, you can stop

at any time. You can also move yourself away from the scene, as

if it is 50 feet or even 100 feet away, wherever you feel comfortable.

As you connect with yourself in this way, you will see how

your unconscious sees you, and as you continue with this process,

the image will change.

Now recall a time when you experienced the problem you are

focusing on, such as when you were eating for a reason other

than hunger, when you felt stressed, when you were in pain, or

wanted to smoke a cigarette. You will find the right time. If no

time comes to mind, you can just focus on the issue and allow a

representative scene to unfold. If you have already done this

process with the same issue, you can go back to another time, or

repeat the same one and make note of the changes.

Take a couple of deep breaths and recall the scene. Remember

that you can close your eyes at any time, take a few more deep

breaths and connect with the experience at a deeper level. Allow

yourself to feel the emotions you have felt before related to this

problem. How do you feel physically? How much energy do you

have? How do you feel emotionally? How do you feel about your

possibilities in the world? How do you feel about yourself? Take

plenty of time to notice each of these levels. You can map all four

levels in your journal as you did with the Holistic Process.

Now, focus on visualizing the part of yourself who is experiencing

this problem. As you continue to focus on yourself, make

note of what you see: the size of your body, the shape, the clothing

you are wearing, the expression on your face, the way your

hair looks, and so on. Make note of any details you notice about

this part of you. If you don’t think you see anything, just allow

yourself to imagine how this part of you would look if you could

see yourself and make note of that.

Also, make note of the scene around you. Notice where you

are, if there are other people there, and anything else that draws

your attention. The scene may be related to a real event from

your past or symbolic of the problem you are experiencing. It may

also be a combination of both. Just allow yourself to notice what

is there. Now, imagine that if there were any sounds associated

with this scene, how would they sound? What volume? How harmonious? What type of rhythm, if any? And if you were to associate

a color with this scene, what would it be? See and feel this

color around yourself and allow the image to become completely

clear in your mind, experiencing it with all of your senses, the

feelings in your body, the emotions, how it looks and sounds, even

any scents in the air and tastes in your mouth.

As a note, what you are looking for here is the way your unconscious

mind relates to the scene, not the way you want it to be.

Your mind may want to switch to something else, so you need to

keep your focus. You will have an opportunity to change it soon.

When the image is complete, allow yourself to rise above it, so

that it is like a photograph or picture on a screen that you can see

below you, separate from yourself. Allow yourself to gently drift

to a peaceful spot, maybe in some puffy white clouds or on a

mountaintop, whatever is right for you. When you arrive, find a

comfortable place where you can relax, like a billowy cloud or

some soft grass that is perfectly contoured to fit your body.

When you are settled in this relaxing place, you may want to

take a few moments to work with the emotions you just experienced

with EFT. Review all of the levels you noted in your

journal and clear the patterns with EFT as you have done before.

When you have completed the EFT, you are ready to continue,

even if you were not able to reduce the intensity of the emotions

you were experiencing all the way to zero. Just focus on being

in that peaceful place and take some pure, loving breaths. Allow

these breaths to send this beautiful energy through your entire

body. Notice if there are any places that feel tense, and send

energy there, until your whole body is relaxed and filled with

pure, loving energy.

As you continue, begin to focus your breath on the area

around your heart, which is where your Soul connects with the

body. Imagine that you are sending pure energy into this area, so

that with each breath, there is more and more energy there. As

you continue breathing, you can feel the energy building so there

is a ball of light there around your heart. Allow this ball of light

to become brighter and brighter, radiating its energy out in all directions,

so that you feel yourself completely surrounded by the

energy, and you can feel this energy permeate every cell of your

body with its beautiful light.

As you do this, if any pain comes up in your heart, simply allow

the pain to come out into your awareness, because releasing

this pain will help you to completely embrace the love you hold in

your heart. If necessary, you can stop and do more EFT to release

anything that may come up as you focus on your heart.

Now shift your awareness to the area just above your head

and imagine another light there. As you imagine it there, allow

this light to begin to pour down through the top of your head and

fill your entire body, so that you can see and feel yourself filled

with the light all the way down to the tips of your fingers and the

tips of your toes. As it becomes brighter and brighter, it overflows

so that you are completely surrounded with this light, and you

can feel yourself in perfect harmony and balance with everything

around you.

In this harmonious state, you can easily contact your Ideal

Self, the perfected part of you who is waiting to come into your

life. As with the first image, you can focus on the ideal you in relation

to your weight, your health, or any problem you are dealing

with. Imagine that you are in that state of perfection, and

sense how this ideal part of you feels physically. How much energy

do you have? How do you feel emotionally? How do you feel

about yourself? Now, as you continue to imagine this Ideal Self

in your mind, make note of what you see. What is the size of your

body, the shape, expression on your face, clothing, hair, and so

on. Make note of all the details as you did before.

And again, if you don’t think you see anything in your mind’s

eye, just allow yourself to imagine how you would look ideally,

and make note of that. Now, imagine that if there were any

sounds associated with this image, what would they be? What

volume? How harmonious? What type of rhythm, if any? And if

you were to associate a color with this image, what would it be?

Surround yourself with the color and experience the entire image

with all of your senses. Notice the feelings in your body, the emotions,

the sights, and the sounds. Now ask yourself how this ideal

part of you feels about the problem you have been dealing with?

Spend a little time getting to know this Ideal You. If you want

to, you can also use this level of awareness to form strategies to

make the changes you desire.

Now, staying in contact with your Ideal Self, look down at

the image you created earlier, which you left below you. From

this peaceful place, send the color you are now surrounded with

down to completely surround the old image. Now follow the color

down into that original scene, but bring along all of the feelings,

the sights and sounds that you associated with your Ideal Self.

Look around and see how the old scene looks to you now. Has it

changed? How do you feel about yourself? How much energy and

vitality do you have in your body? How do you look? And how

do you feel about the problem that was bothering you before?

If this image and your reactions to it have changed from the

way they were before, if they are closer to your Ideal Self, you are

on the way to making this Ideal You a reality in your life now

and, because of this, your future will be different.

And as you strengthen your relationship with this Ideal You,

communicate. Allow him or her to share with you all the special

and unique qualities you have to contribute.

Now you have an opportunity to look forward in time, to

project the image of your Ideal Self out into your future. Again,

feel yourself surrounded by the color of your Ideal Self. Experience

all the feelings and, see the image in your mind. Imagine

that the past is behind you and the future is laid out in front of

you. Send the color of your Ideal Self out into the future, reaching

out toward the horizon, completely surrounding all of your

future experiences, and extending way out, as far into the future

as you can imagine.

Now, imagine yourself moving forward to a time in the future

when you would previously have expected to encounter the problem

you are focusing on. Again, experience being your Ideal Self

with all of your senses. Notice the sights, feelings, and sounds. Do

you feel like you have overcome the problem now? If so, just remember

that you can contact this perfect part of yourself at any

time. Simply breathe loving breaths, and remember the color and

image, and bring it all around yourself. Over time, this will help

you to move closer and closer to that ideal.

If you were not able to fully experience your Ideal Self in the

present or the future, just continue to work with this process, and

use EFT on the emotions that come up. You will notice a shift as

you move closer and closer to the ideal. Releasing the emotions

will bring you closer to experiencing your Ideal Self. Above all,

continue to breathe those loving breaths.

Now it is time to shift your awareness back to the present

moment, and feel yourself where you are, sitting or lying down,

making note of your body’s position. And, as you breathe, allow

your breath to bring you back to your normal waking state, feeling

alert and alive, bringing your Ideal Self with you into your

daily life.

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