Friday, August 28, 2015

What the Catholic Church is Really Teaching about the Sacrament of Baptism?

Read the Previous Article: Baptism Viewed as a Social Celebration to Many Nominal Catholics

Popular Understanding
(Baptism Makes One Think Of)
Church Teaching
(Baptism Truly Means)

New life in Christ, sharing in his dying and rising with him which includes the forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins.

Washing away original sin

Through the cleansing power of water and the Spirit.

Entry into church building;

Incorporation into the Christian community Christ's body.


Of adults and babies

Passive reception

Sacrament of the Church's faith

Clerical ritual

A personal prayer of those celebrating the sacrament.

Works automatically

Receiving the transforming grace of Baptism effecting conversion and drawing to an ever deeper Christian commitment.

Once-for-all ritual

A ritual calling for a life of Christian discipleship

No active influencing power in ordinary life

Influencing our daily life by being the permanent source of sharing in God's own life in Christ.

Single past event

A single event grounding the baptized whole future life-process, as manifested in the yearly liturgical renewal of Baptismal vows.

Source: Catechism of the Filipino Catholics.

Next: Requirements for the Baptismal Rites

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